How are the overall standings scored?
The value of a correct pick doubles with each round. Correct picks are worth 1, 2, 4,
8, 16 and 32 points for the 6 rounds in the tournament.
Can brackets be created after the tournament starts?
Brackets can be created at any time but brackets that are created after the tournament
begins will not be able to join some pools.
Can pools be created after the start of the tournament?
Pools can be created after the tournament begins but they will not be protected like a
pool that was created prior to the tournament is. There is no protection against a user
modifying their bracket for a pool that is created after the start of the tournament.
Can brackets be modified after the tournament starts?
Any bracket that has entered a pool prior to the start of the tournament will be locked
when the tournament begins. If your bracket is not a part of any pools or if has only
been entered in pools that were created after the tournament began it can be modified
at any time.
Why are the points different in my pool than in the overall standings?
Pool scoring can be customized. It may not match the 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 point per round
scoring used for the overall standings.
Why can't I view my friends bracket?
Opponents picks are hidden until the start of the tournament. They'll be available once
the tournament begins.
Why am I allowed to change my bracket after the tournament starts?
Can I cheat? No. If you entered any pools prior to the start of the tournament your
bracket will be locked. If you did not join any pools and decide to modify your bracket
after the start of the tournament it will not be included in the overall standings.
You'll still see it there but other users will not. This allows the app to be useful to
everyone regardless of when they downloaded it while enforcing the appropriate
protections for those who had a pool in place prior to the start of the tournament.